Fortalecemos Nuestra Democracia

No podemos tener un medio ambiente sano sin una democracia sana. Las comunidades que se enfrentan a barreras para acceder a las urnas electorales y que han sido históricamente excluidas del proceso electoral son las mismas comunidades más afectadas por la crisis climática y por la contaminación. El programa Democracia para Todos del Fondo para la Educación de LCV hace participar a estas comunidades para fortalecer su voz en nuestra democracia.

Democracia Para Todos

Involucramos a las comunidades y colaboramos con coaliciones nacionales y nuestros afiliados estatales del Movimiento de Votantes por la Conservación para promover soluciones políticas que aumenten de manera proactiva la capacidad de las personas para participar en las elecciones, salvaguardar el acceso a las boletas y defendernos contra ataques y obstáculos que dificultan el voto.

Hoy en día, en nuestro país, no todo el mundo tiene el mismo acceso a las urnas electorales.

LCVEF trabaja para registrar a los votantes, especialmente en comunidades tradicionalmente excluidas y en comunidades de color.
Registramos a más de 125,500 votantes, reclutamos a 300 trabajadores electorales y conseguimos que 89,000 se comprometieran a votar en 2022.
Seguimos trabajando con las comunidades históricamente excluidas del proceso electoral para ampliar la equidad en el acceso a las urnas.

Voter Registration

We can’t combat the climate crisis without a just and equitable democracy that works for everyone.

Communities who face the greatest burdens from the climate crisis and pollution are the same communities who have been historically excluded from the electoral process, particularly communities of color, communities with low wealth, communities living with disabilities, and young and elderly communities.

LCVEF runs multi-state site-based nonpartisan voter registration programs — in 2022, they were the largest of their kind. These programs register eligible voters historically excluded from voter registration efforts, including communities of color in urban and rural communities.

Civic Engagement

To build a more just and equitable democracy that is responsive to all people and their will to protect the planet, Democracy For All is improving access to and trust in our democracy, especially so that all communities historically excluded from the electoral process have a voice at the ballot box — including communities of color, communities with low wealth, young and elderly communities, and communities with disabilities.

We do this through transformational community organizing and art activism while building long-term infrastructure and community-driven campaigns that move people to collective action. Our core strategies are to:

Mobilize people of color and young people in historically excluded communities to participate in elections through large-scale nonpartisan voter registration and nonpartisan voter turnout.

Engage in campaigns that build long-term community leadership and power and result in environmental justice and democracy reform.

Build authentic and mutually beneficial partnerships with organizations led by and serving people of color.

Create public art campaigns that transformative stories through cultural and creative strategies, opinion editorials, letters-to-the-editor, multimedia channels, and other platforms.


The stakes for the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the planet have never been higher, but environmental laws are only as strong as the judges who uphold them.

No one is above the law, and when corporations break the law to put profits over people, we need judges willing to hold them accountable. When far-right politicians distort our democracy to take the people’s power for themselves, we need judges willing to enforce our rights.

LCV Education Fund engages with policymakers, constituents, advocates, journalists, the legal community, state partners, and supporters to highlight the incredible power our third branch of government exercises over vital protections for our environment and democracy, and the need for judges who will protect our rights instead of attacking them.

Judges: Our Planet Is in Their Court

A Healthy Planet Requires a Healthy Democracy

A truly representative democracy — one where all voices are heard and where decisions are made through a fair and transparent process — is essential for ensuring a livable planet. Yet, like access to a healthy environment, the ability to participate fully in our democracy is not evenly distributed. That’s why LCVEF works to build a robust, inclusive democracy and to combat systemically racist barriers to the ballot box. Learn more with our Frequently Asked Questions on our democracy work, why it matters, and how you can be part of ensuring a strong democracy for all.

FAQs: Climate and Democracy
Hilda Nucete

LCV Education Fund Director of Civic Engagement

“From tightening voting laws to redistricting, communities across the country have been fraught with efforts to further disenfranchise voters who see the greatest impacts from the climate crisis and pollution. Ensuring that every voter accesses their right to vote is crucial to protecting our democracy and our environment. We are proud to be working at the grassroots level to ensure that every eligible voter has equitable access to casting their ballot.”

Hilda Nucete

LCV Education Fund Director of Civic Engagement